Wow, already one month on the barge, things seem to be moving so fast, is it age, are our lives just far too busy, when last did we stop to pay attention to our surroundings, to remain silent and simply listen and observe. We live in a world that is driven by chaos, non stop interruptions, a constant need to be connected to social media and the Internet in general, before we blink our eyes we will be old, full of regrets and sadly out of time !

To date Elsa has been instrumental in helping us slow down a little to appreciate the smaller things in life that we tend to take for granted (like: a never ending supply of water, space – we tend to have an accumulation of stuff that we never ever use, helping those who need help no matter how big or small and of course the natural surroundings that we are blessed to be living in – except for the spiders)

In short the past month has been very good for all the right reasons, we have met amazing people, all of them with a story to tell, we have learned so much and we have without a doubt fallen in love with Elsa and everything she represents.

Don’t get me wrong, this is by no means a fairytale, there are lots of things that we still have to wrap our heads around and there are negatives that we need to address and/or accept but overall we are both very happy and blessed to be here.

This is Mike Delta Charlie Charlie 4 over and out.